/manager/Index en-au 5 “I Knew I Was Smart; I Thought I Was Lazy” - supporting the transition to university for autistic students /manager/Repository/uon:56106 Wed 31 Jul 2024 10:09:17 AEST ]]> Writing the field of equity: special issue /manager/Repository/uon:39350 Wed 28 Aug 2024 10:36:41 AEST ]]> Contestation, contradiction and collaboration in equity and widening participation: In conversation with Geoff Whitty /manager/Repository/uon:41150 Wed 24 Aug 2022 15:10:57 AEST ]]> Dominant higher education imaginaries: Forced perspectives, ontological limits and recognising the imaginer's frame /manager/Repository/uon:42497 Wed 24 Aug 2022 09:11:17 AEST ]]> Widening participation and linguistic engagement in Australian higher education: exploring academics' perceptions and practices /manager/Repository/uon:48610 Wed 22 Mar 2023 09:49:47 AEDT ]]> Disrupting the Discourse of Under-representation: The Place of Rural Students in Australian Higher Education Equity Policy /manager/Repository/uon:50561 Wed 20 Sep 2023 11:51:43 AEST ]]> Supporting students from equity groups: experiences of staff and considerations for institutions /manager/Repository/uon:50923 Wed 13 Mar 2024 19:07:07 AEDT ]]> Class in Australian higher education: the university as a site of social reproduction /manager/Repository/uon:38610 Wed 13 Mar 2024 09:23:26 AEDT ]]> Making futures: equity and social justice in higher education timescapes /manager/Repository/uon:39847 Wed 13 Mar 2024 09:22:56 AEDT ]]> Facilitating access to higher education for people seeking asylum in Australia: institutional and community responses /manager/Repository/uon:47148 Wed 13 Mar 2024 09:21:44 AEDT ]]> Obscenity and fabrication in equity and widening participation methodologies /manager/Repository/uon:40822 Wed 13 Mar 2024 08:47:44 AEDT ]]> On ‘being first’: the case for first-generation status in Australian higher education equity policy /manager/Repository/uon:40827 Wed 13 Mar 2024 08:04:03 AEDT ]]> What do we know about how women with forced migration experiences access tertiary education in resettlement contexts? A scoping study /manager/Repository/uon:52983 Wed 13 Mar 2024 07:53:09 AEDT ]]> Students as victim-survivors: the enduring impacts of gender-based violence for students in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:54218 Wed 13 Mar 2024 07:50:28 AEDT ]]> The paradox of student support policies: the experiences of students who care for children while studying /manager/Repository/uon:44227 Wed 12 Oct 2022 14:28:07 AEDT ]]> Sociological insights: Designing pedagogically sound blended learning programs in enabling contexts /manager/Repository/uon:55659 Wed 12 Jun 2024 19:00:38 AEST ]]> Aspiring to higher education in regional and remote Australia: the diverse emotional and material realities shaping young people’s futures /manager/Repository/uon:42915 Wed 07 Sep 2022 09:33:19 AEST ]]> The integration of mobile learning in student interpreters’ out-of-class learning in China /manager/Repository/uon:48728 Wed 06 Mar 2024 14:44:55 AEDT ]]> Examining academics and students attitudes to mobile-learning in a transformative university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: a study of Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University /manager/Repository/uon:53464 Wed 06 Mar 2024 14:25:36 AEDT ]]> How academic leaders facilitate knowledge sharing: a case of universities in Hong Kong /manager/Repository/uon:40161 Wed 06 Jul 2022 10:08:45 AEST ]]> Predicting student performance in a blended learning environment using learning management system interaction data /manager/Repository/uon:44036 Wed 05 Oct 2022 15:25:21 AEDT ]]> Perceived coronavirus health risk associated with students’ life satisfaction: the role of trust in government policies /manager/Repository/uon:52194 Wed 04 Oct 2023 14:11:51 AEDT ]]> Higher education for times of climate crisis-critical awareness, purpose and community /manager/Repository/uon:39221 Wed 03 Jul 2024 16:31:13 AEST ]]> Examining the gendered timescapes of higher education: reflections through letter writing as feminist praxis /manager/Repository/uon:50713 Wed 02 Aug 2023 15:43:01 AEST ]]> Community matters: The complex links between community and young peoples’ aspirations for higher education /manager/Repository/uon:50693 Wed 02 Aug 2023 11:24:08 AEST ]]> Policy and practices in English as a Medium of Instruction in Vietnamese tertiary EFL contexts /manager/Repository/uon:37728 Tue 30 Mar 2021 10:16:27 AEDT ]]> A First Class Measure: Evidence for a Comprehensive Social Class Scale in Higher Education Populations /manager/Repository/uon:51620 Tue 30 Apr 2024 11:23:10 AEST ]]> An innovative framework for online examination in a higher education setting : a response to the COVID-19 crisis /manager/Repository/uon:50399 Tue 25 Jul 2023 12:08:10 AEST ]]> Writing instructions at a university and identity issues: a systemic functional linguistics perspective /manager/Repository/uon:42430 Tue 23 Aug 2022 09:51:22 AEST ]]> Learning Alone Together: A Qualitative Investigation Exploring Virtual Connectedness /manager/Repository/uon:51119 Tue 22 Aug 2023 14:54:36 AEST ]]> Women with caring responsibilities: is there a genuine place for them at university? /manager/Repository/uon:40945 Tue 18 Jun 2024 15:35:25 AEST ]]> Establishing a new work-integrated learning program in a degree /manager/Repository/uon:52557 Tue 17 Oct 2023 15:35:34 AEDT ]]> Current State and General Perceptions of the Use of Extended Reality (XR) Technology at the University of Newcastle: Interviews and Surveys From Staff and Students /manager/Repository/uon:53631 Tue 12 Dec 2023 15:33:12 AEDT ]]> Delivering blended learning to transnational students: students’ perceptions and needs-satisfaction /manager/Repository/uon:44321 Tue 11 Oct 2022 16:26:55 AEDT ]]> Quality assurance in Vietnamese higher education: a systemic overview /manager/Repository/uon:55604 Tue 11 Jun 2024 13:42:54 AEST ]]> “When does hot become cold?”: Why we should be disrupting narrow and exclusive discourses of success in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:39385 Tue 07 Jun 2022 19:05:40 AEST ]]> Marking as emotional labour: A discussion of the affective impact of assessment feedback on enabling educators /manager/Repository/uon:39375 Tue 07 Jun 2022 12:56:23 AEST ]]> ‘Starting Strong’: A critical reflection of the complexities of orienting students in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:39371 Tue 07 Jun 2022 12:12:01 AEST ]]> Degrees of “being first”: toward a nuanced understanding of first-generation entrants to higher education /manager/Repository/uon:38783 Tue 06 Jun 2023 16:07:12 AEST ]]> ‘“Fees Must Fall” in a neoliberal university?’: A socio-political interrogation of the 2015-2016 student protests and the state responses in South Africa /manager/Repository/uon:56135 Tue 06 Aug 2024 09:00:30 AEST ]]> Using online tools to develop higher order learning among tertiary students /manager/Repository/uon:50671 Tue 01 Aug 2023 14:37:37 AEST ]]> The paradoxical management of casual academics: an Australian case study /manager/Repository/uon:38464 Thu 23 Sep 2021 15:29:36 AEST ]]> The relationship between feedback and evaluative judgement in undergraduate nursing and midwifery education: An integrative review /manager/Repository/uon:46735 Thu 23 Mar 2023 09:48:10 AEDT ]]> Quality Teaching @UON Final Report /manager/Repository/uon:40935 Thu 21 Jul 2022 15:52:20 AEST ]]> Design requirements of a modern business Master’s degree course: perspectives of industry practitioners /manager/Repository/uon:40802 Thu 21 Jul 2022 15:32:23 AEST ]]> The evolution of English as a medium of instruction in Vietnamese tertiary EFL: challenges, strategies, and possibilities /manager/Repository/uon:40984 Thu 21 Jul 2022 09:20:14 AEST ]]> Disrupting the dominance of 'linear pathways': how institutional assumptions create 'stuck places' for refugee students' transitions into higher education /manager/Repository/uon:42094 Thu 18 Aug 2022 10:58:26 AEST ]]> Impact of pressure, self-efficacy, and self-competency on students' plagiarism in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:37552 Thu 17 Jun 2021 15:59:02 AEST ]]> Students together with academics ensures retention and success: the STARS project /manager/Repository/uon:48382 Thu 16 Mar 2023 08:25:27 AEDT ]]> Systematic review of resilience measures: construction management graduates’ perspective /manager/Repository/uon:49931 Thu 15 Jun 2023 14:01:41 AEST ]]> Re/cognising the fr/Ames of university equity outreach: a cautionary tale of unintended consequences in Australian Equity and Widening Participation policy, practice and evaluation /manager/Repository/uon:38556 Thu 14 Mar 2024 12:29:50 AEDT ]]> Praxis /manager/Repository/uon:44193 Thu 13 Oct 2022 10:12:24 AEDT ]]> "When does hot become cold": Why we should be disrupting narrow and exclusive discourses of success in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:37406 Thu 12 Nov 2020 12:02:51 AEDT ]]> Students' choice of international branch campus in Malaysia: a gender comparative study /manager/Repository/uon:41688 Thu 11 Aug 2022 08:40:48 AEST ]]> Children’s University Newcastle evaluation report /manager/Repository/uon:38557 Thu 04 Nov 2021 09:43:59 AEDT ]]> Parent, partner, carer, breadwinner and student: The multi-layered identities of mature-age women returning to education /manager/Repository/uon:55031 Thu 04 Apr 2024 10:49:43 AEDT ]]> Gender, neoliberalism and corporatized higher education /manager/Repository/uon:39265 Thu 02 Jun 2022 11:35:25 AEST ]]> From face-to-face to the online space: The continued relevance of connecting students with each other and their learning post COVID-19 /manager/Repository/uon:50622 Mon 31 Jul 2023 15:04:01 AEST ]]> Reframing first-generation entry: how the familial habitus shapes aspirations for higher education among prospective first-generation students /manager/Repository/uon:38780 Mon 31 Jan 2022 12:57:30 AEDT ]]> Educators’ experiences of pivoting online: unearthing key learnings and insights for engaging students online /manager/Repository/uon:53430 Mon 27 Nov 2023 11:40:52 AEDT ]]> Understanding the impact of gender-based violence on access to and participation in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:39760 Mon 27 Jun 2022 18:28:59 AEST ]]> The timescapes of teaching in Higher Education /manager/Repository/uon:40910 Mon 25 Jul 2022 11:58:28 AEST ]]> Advanced neoliberal governance and Australian rural higher education /manager/Repository/uon:44228 Mon 24 Jul 2023 18:25:49 AEST ]]> Reimagining Language in Higher Education: Engaging with the Linguistic Experiences of Students with Refugee and Asylum Seeker Backgrounds /manager/Repository/uon:47592 Mon 23 Jan 2023 14:49:27 AEDT ]]> Leveraging the community of inquiry framework to support web-based simulations in disaster studies /manager/Repository/uon:40788 Mon 22 Aug 2022 14:46:19 AEST ]]> Stratification and the illusion of equitable choice in accessing higher education /manager/Repository/uon:40730 within and across the academy. However, this stratification is glossed over in widening participation policy and research. In this paper, we challenge this view by examining young people’s capacities to ‘choose’ university using the heuristic of ‘embedded choosers’ and ‘contingent choosers.’ Our analysis of two school-based case studies highlights the early stratification of students’ post-school choices, conceptualised as a continuum from an absence of choice to a wide array of global choice. We argue that rather than focus on gains in overall enrolment, there is a critical need to address the insidious stratification that is subsumed within the widening participation agenda.]]> Mon 20 May 2024 12:58:43 AEST ]]> Beyond victimhood, towards citizenship: (Re)conceptualising campus climate for LGBTQ+ university students in the Australian context /manager/Repository/uon:43441 Mon 19 Sep 2022 13:55:42 AEST ]]> Affordances of computer-assisted language learning in higher education: A qualitative inquiry /manager/Repository/uon:43437 Mon 19 Sep 2022 11:56:28 AEST ]]> They just give us the shiny picture, but I want to know what it's really like: Insights from regional high schools on perceptions of university outreach in South Australia /manager/Repository/uon:52911 Mon 17 Jun 2024 12:42:54 AEST ]]> Changing the professional identity of food technology teachers in New South Wales, Australia /manager/Repository/uon:38227 Mon 16 Aug 2021 16:15:48 AEST ]]> Top management support and knowledge sharing: the strategic role of affiliation and trust in academic environment /manager/Repository/uon:46273 Mon 14 Nov 2022 15:20:58 AEDT ]]> Key influences on aspirations for higher education of Australian school students in regional and remote locations: a scoping review of empirical research, 1991-2016 /manager/Repository/uon:39007 Mon 11 Apr 2022 09:48:28 AEST ]]> Regional, Rural, Remote marginalisation from Higher Education: Isolation, mobility and the role of the Country Universities Centres /manager/Repository/uon:55202 Mon 09 Sep 2024 15:43:48 AEST ]]> Transformative reimagining: sustainable higher education for equity and social justice /manager/Repository/uon:54649 Mon 09 Sep 2024 13:34:33 AEST ]]> Conscientious internationalisation in higher education: contextual complexities and comparative tensions /manager/Repository/uon:41613 conscientious internationalisation (CI) to recalibrate discourse and practices embedded in the internationalisation of higher education. CI prioritises ethics over markets. It is characterized as practices and processes informed by constitutive principles and ethical practices that amplify equity, reciprocity, and integrity.]]> Mon 08 Aug 2022 14:36:24 AEST ]]> On becoming a university student: young people and the 'illusio' of higher education /manager/Repository/uon:40965 Mon 08 Aug 2022 14:15:17 AEST ]]> A fish out of water: developing intercultural understanding of students in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:40700 Mon 08 Aug 2022 10:16:38 AEST ]]> A design-based research approach for developing data-focussed business curricula /manager/Repository/uon:40699 Mon 08 Aug 2022 09:21:23 AEST ]]> Categorisations of care: Exploring representations of care leavers in higher education through critical praxis /manager/Repository/uon:55073 Mon 08 Apr 2024 14:02:37 AEST ]]> Application of machine learning in higher education to assess student academic performance, at-risk, and attrition: A meta-analysis of literature /manager/Repository/uon:45840 Mon 07 Nov 2022 14:03:07 AEDT ]]> Working every weekend: The paradox of time for insecurely employed academics /manager/Repository/uon:50826 Mon 07 Aug 2023 14:36:09 AEST ]]> Writing representations to life: higher education and the production of equity realities /manager/Repository/uon:39352 Mon 06 Jun 2022 14:59:05 AEST ]]> A reflection on my academic journey: The struggle to shape my destiny /manager/Repository/uon:39351 Mon 06 Jun 2022 14:47:03 AEST ]]> Dispositions towards learning: the importance of epistemic attributes for postgraduate learners /manager/Repository/uon:53537 Mon 04 Dec 2023 15:44:51 AEDT ]]> A Comparative Account of Institutional Approaches to Addressing Campus-Based Sexual Violence in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand /manager/Repository/uon:55466 Sexual violence is prevalent on university campuses globally. In this article, we report a qualitative insider research study examining practices for addressing sexual violence at four universities across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. We collected, analysed, and synthesised descriptive information about the practices at each institution. We found unique institutional approaches that nonetheless share some commonalities, yieldingseveral themes that are central to practice. In reflecting on our findings, we conclude with an outline of critical considerations and a call to action for future efforts to address campus-based sexual violence, particularly as this field remains underdeveloped across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. ]]> Mon 03 Jun 2024 16:05:36 AEST ]]> University Student Experiences of Disability and the Influence of Stigma on Institutional Non-Disclosure and Learning /manager/Repository/uon:41223 Fri 29 Jul 2022 10:11:24 AEST ]]> Creative industries: teacher perceptions of higher education study and job futures in regional and remote Australia /manager/Repository/uon:38953 Creative Industries Careers: Re-imagining Regional and Remote Students’ Opportunities roadshow for secondary students (Grushka, et al, 2018b). The Creative Industries Roadshow was funded by the Australian Department of Education, Higher Education Participation Partnerships Program (HEPPP). It was instituted in order to encourage students to consider Creative Industries university study pathways and the value of a creative digital technology skill to being work ready. This qualitative study reports on secondary school teachers’ attitudes to the increasing characterisation of creatives as entrepreneurs and the need to provide all students with appropriate soft skills. It draws on a teacher survey and teacher video interviews supported by the fieldnotes of the researchers. It identifies the challenges facing a regional university trying to maintain fine arts skills within a Creative Industries program and how secondary visual arts educators and regional communities identify with the elevation of the role of Creative Industries skills to meet future workforce needs.]]> Fri 25 Mar 2022 15:17:40 AEDT ]]> Programmes targeting student retention/success and satisfaction/experience in higher education: A systematic review /manager/Repository/uon:48102 Fri 24 Feb 2023 15:38:08 AEDT ]]> Opportunities for change: What factors influence non-traditional students to enrol in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:42166
The current research contributes knowledge by investigating factors that lead students to enrol in higher education. The study aimed to examine how the Australian federal government's 'Widening Participation' agenda has affected Australians' perception of higher education. It is important to examine how enrolment of non-traditional students has changed throughout the last fifty years, whether and how the Widening Participation agenda influenced enrolment of students and students' perceptions of the factors that led to their enrolment post completion of an enabling program. The research argues that the concept of a 'traditional' student enrolled in higher education is outdated and that 'non-traditional' students are now the majority.]]>
Fri 19 Aug 2022 09:15:32 AEST ]]>
Comparing approaches for selection, development, and deployment of extended reality (XR) teaching applications: A case study at The University of Newcastle Australia /manager/Repository/uon:50830 Fri 18 Aug 2023 10:56:01 AEST ]]> On a Mission: The Case for Sustainability and Embedding Values in a Changing Higher Education Landscape /manager/Repository/uon:53229 Fri 17 Nov 2023 11:43:26 AEDT ]]> Scoping academic oracy in higher education: knotting together forgotten connections to equity and academic literacies /manager/Repository/uon:51738 Fri 15 Sep 2023 18:14:39 AEST ]]> Equitable teaching for cultural and linguistic diversity: exploring the possibilities for engaged pedagogy in post-COVID-19 higher education /manager/Repository/uon:47340 Fri 13 Jan 2023 12:16:52 AEDT ]]> Pragmatism as a teaching philosophy in the safety sciences: a higher education pedagogy perspective /manager/Repository/uon:39497 Fri 10 Jun 2022 14:39:22 AEST ]]> Classed trajectories in higher education and the graduate labour market: affective affinities in a ‘meritocracy’ /manager/Repository/uon:51554 Fri 08 Sep 2023 15:04:56 AEST ]]> Language use in English-medium instruction programs in Vietnamese higher education: From policy to practice /manager/Repository/uon:54709 Fri 08 Mar 2024 12:13:26 AEDT ]]> Evaluating teachers’ effectiveness in classrooms: an ML-based assessment portfolio /manager/Repository/uon:54668 Fri 08 Mar 2024 11:04:33 AEDT ]]> The untold story of middle-class Indigenous Australian school students who aspire to university /manager/Repository/uon:49195 Fri 05 May 2023 15:51:03 AEST ]]> Working within, without and between: identities, power/s and mis/recognitions of third space professionals in higher education /manager/Repository/uon:55914 Fri 05 Jul 2024 10:02:14 AEST ]]> Collaboratively crafting learning standards for tertiary education for environment and sustainability /manager/Repository/uon:55049 Fri 05 Apr 2024 13:04:24 AEDT ]]>